Sunday, July 8, 2012

Saved 95%!

I am SO excited about this trip!

Fry’s 6/24

20 Ken’s 9 oz. Salad Dressing .88
6 Starkist Tuna Pouches .88
3 Nesquik Pouches $1.19
3 Knorr Noodle/Rice Pouches .88
Hot Wheels Car .87
3 Folgers Instant Coffee Packets $1.19
3 Carefree Liners $1.00
3 Pepsi Next 20 oz. .99
1 Sunday Newspaper $2.00

Coupons Used:

20 $1/1 Ken’s Dressing (These coupons gave me .12 overage for each dressing.)
3 .50/2 Starkist Tuna Pouches (These automatically doubled at Fry’s.)
3 .50/1 Nesquik Pouches (These automatically doubled at Fry’s.)
3 .25/1 Knorr Noodle/Rice Pouches (These automatically went up to .88 at Fry’s.)
3 .25/1 Folgers Instant Coffee Pouches (These automatically went up to $1 at Fry’s.)
3 .50/1 Carefree Liners (These automatically doubled at Fry’s.)
3 .50/1 Pepsi Next 20 oz. (These automatically doubled at Fry’s.)

Total, with tax:

Saved: $77.93, or 95%!!!!

Yes, that is a lot of Ken’s Dressing!  I will be keeping some for myself, and the rest will be donated to different places, including the Ronald McDonald House.  The Carefree will be donated to the local domestic violence shelter, and the Folgers will be donated to either the food bank or an organization that packages boxes for the troops overseas.  And, my daughter loves Hot Wheels Cars, so she was spoiled this trip!

*I wanted to add that my Fry's store will make ALL coupons $1, up to 3 like coupons per transactions.  That is why I often do 3's as a quantity per item, and why $1 is being taken off from the coupons.

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