Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fry's Mega Sale!

Our local store, Fry's, has their Mega sale this week and last week.  You can find these sales at Kroger, also.  These sales are a great way to stock up on items, especially shelf-stable items.  Even if you don't have any coupons, there are often low prices to take advantage of.  But, when you pair this sale with coupons, you can score some pretty awesome deals!

For this Mega sale, you would save $5 for every 5 participating items that you purchased.

I also grabbed some items that weren't on the Mega, but that I had coupons for and clearance items.

Some items you will notice in the picture are a 24 pack of water, lots of pop (hubby will take these to work - saves more money this way then him purchasing them through the vending machine), razors, deodorant, Tide, lots of Capri Suns, sausages and more.

I spent $60.33 and saved $77.86 - 57%!  Plus, I earned some fuel points!

I always aim to save 50% on my normal purchases - This one was a little more out of pocket because we were stocking up on certain items.

*The razors will be donated to the rescue mission, the deodorant and liners will be donated to the domestic violence shelter, and some of the food items will be donated to the food shelter.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

My CVS Shopping Trip

I stopped in at CVS the other day and found a couple good deals.  My first stop, as always, is at their Coupon Center.  This is where you can scan your loyalty card, and more times then not, coupons will print!

I scored a couple coupons and went shopping.

CVS Sensitive Wipes were on clearance for $5.xx for over 300!  I had also scored a coupon for $1 off any CVS brand wipe purchase.
The paper towel was .79 - A coupon had printed at the coupon machine for .79 off one paper towel roll.
The two vitamins were $3.44 - Buy one, get one free!  A coupon had printed for $2 off any CVS vitamin purchase.
The Blistex were each .44 on clearance.

All together, I paid about $7.xx!

*The wipes and vitamins will be donated to a local domestic violence shelter.
*The Blistex will be used in gift baskets.
*The paper towel will stay with us.

My Goodwill Find - And, how I saved over $200!

I have been in the market for a new kitchen cart for a while now.  The ones I want are over $100, some are even over $200!  I figured I would be getting one for months, if I even do.

Then, I took a quick trip into one of our local Goodwills.  We have a lot of them here, and while some of the items are not so nice, we have found some very nice hidden treasures!

I found THIS for $7.99:

The picture really doesn't do it justice.  Though it is pretty plain, is is sturdy and does have working wheels.  I couldn't believe it was only $7.99.  I am going to paint it or stain it - Not sure yet.  But, I'll post a picture when it is all done and the total I spent!

It may not be the $200+ one I've had my eye on - But, I am so happy for the savings!

What a deal!

Today, we ventured out a little ways to a cute place called Superstition Ranch Market.  It was worth the drive.  They sell mostly produce items - Some are riper and would need to be eaten sooner, while others will potentially last over a week.  Though we have lived in the area for years, we had never heard of this market.  I saw someone posting about it online, and decided to check it out.

This is what our grocery trip consisted of:

  • Spinach .59/bunch 
  • Parsley .79 
  • Lemons 3 @ .39/each 
  • Onions 1.09 lbs @ .59/lb
  • Plums .90 lbs @ $1/4lb
  • Kale .79
  • Broccoli Crowns .80 lbs @ .39/lb
  • Apples Fuji 1.63 lb @ $1.19/lb
  • Red Bell Peppers 7 @ 7/$1
  • Green Onions .15/each
  • Carrots 2 lb Bag @ $1.50
  • Strawberries 1 lb 3 @ $1
Total (with tax): $10.11!

We managed to get five small plums for only .23!  Red bell peppers 7/$1!  A bunch of green onions for only .15!  Strawberries at .33/lb!  We were careful about what we picked out, and all of the produce looks very fresh.

I hope that this post gives you some inspiration and motivation to get out there and check out places that you may not have tried yet!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Back to School Savings Alert - Walgreens!

If you are shopping for back to school items, I would suggest checking out Walgreens!  Last week and this week, they have been offering some great deals on back to school items!  This week, they have folders 6/$1 as an example, and many more things.

Walgreens Ad

Click above and take a look at the ad to see the prices!

Are you shopping at discount stores?

About a year ago, my husband and I found a discount store nearby.  It was brand new, and they were offering an amazing price on eggs to get you in the door.  Through the months, we have continued to shop there and are always surprised by what they have.  We mainly use this store to "supplement" our groceries - They offer daily and weekly deals, and we usually take a trip there if some of them stick out to us.

This one in particular does have expired food, though the majority is not expired.  There are cans, bottles, boxes, frozen, household, dairy and produce products!

I have purchased a lot of items there to donate - Cereal cups for .25/each as an example.  These were donated to our local food bank.

You never know what you are going to find at the store, and that adds to the excitement.  If you are willing to look around, you can really find some great deals!  I recommend checking out your local discount store!

July, 2014 - Spent $18!

Friday, June 27, 2014

FREE PediaSure Powder - After mail-in rebate!

After picking up PediaSure Powder, you can submit a mail-in rebate to be reimbursed - Making it FREE!

You can see all the details HERE.

This is a great way to try out a new product!  

*You can always donate this to a shelter!

Seventh Generation Diapers!

I noticed at my local Fry's stores that they are putting all of their Seventh Generation diapers on clearance!  I saw some as low as $3.49, instead of the normal $14.99ish price!  This is a huge savings, and these are great diapers!

If you don't have a Fry's, you can check your local Kroger as they are an affiliate store.

These would be perfect for the little baby in your life, or even as a baby shower gift!

*The three packs I picked up are going towards Stork Supply, the Arizona organization I started.  That is about 90 diapers to help babies and parents in need!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I'm back!

Well, it has been a long year ...

There have been a lot of things going on in my personal life, and as a result, it has been harder for me to keep this blog updated!  However, I'm back!

Despite being busy, I have made it a priority to donate whenever possible.  Most recently, this meant multiple trips to the local animal shelter with my daughter.  Each time, we brought a large bag of cat liter and treats.  At the discount store nearby, the bags were on a sale that equaled a very large savings, so I picked up multiple bags.  The treats, as well.

I firmly believe that there is always a way to donate and give back to your community.  This does mean that you have to do it on a large scale, even just picking up one can of cat food or maybe you have a can of corn sitting in your pantry that you don't want anymore.  It can be one small thing that can make a difference.  Really.

I'm ready to get back to posting my scores and hoping to inspire you all to donate, too!