Our local store, Fry's, has their Mega sale this week and last week. You can find these sales at Kroger, also. These sales are a great way to stock up on items, especially shelf-stable items. Even if you don't have any coupons, there are often low prices to take advantage of. But, when you pair this sale with coupons, you can score some pretty awesome deals!
For this Mega sale, you would save $5 for every 5 participating items that you purchased.
I also grabbed some items that weren't on the Mega, but that I had coupons for and clearance items.
Some items you will notice in the picture are a 24 pack of water, lots of pop (hubby will take these to work - saves more money this way then him purchasing them through the vending machine), razors, deodorant, Tide, lots of Capri Suns, sausages and more.
I spent $60.33 and saved $77.86 - 57%! Plus, I earned some fuel points!
I always aim to save 50% on my normal purchases - This one was a little more out of pocket because we were stocking up on certain items.
*The razors will be donated to the rescue mission, the deodorant and liners will be donated to the domestic violence shelter, and some of the food items will be donated to the food shelter.
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