Friday, September 7, 2012

What does frugal living mean to you?

Frugal living can mean something different to someone else, but I think there is a common thread among those that live by this.

Personally, for me -

*You live within your means.
*You plan and budget.
*You allow yourself to splurge, within reasons.
*You are always looking for ways to save or make things last longer or go further.
*You take control of your finances.
*You get creative whenever you can, constantly trying to better your financial situation.

I guess that some of these do not necessarily go along with frugal living, but this is how my family lives.

I advise anyone who is just starting to live frugally, that it does not happen over night.  It does take time, though there are decisions you make every day that can change your situation, both big and small.  You do not have to eliminate everything - You can allow yourself to splurge.  But, you have to be realistic about everything and honest with yourself.

Happy saving to everyone!

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