Fry's is having a Mega Sale right now. When you buy 10 participating items, you will get .50 off each of those items. You have to buy 10, though they can be mix and match.
I donate to the United Food Bank - They have a huge distribution warehouse only a few miles away from me. Their facility is clean, well maintained and I can see what an impact they are having within our community. They also help out the smaller food banks throughout our area. I also love them because they take all kinds of food items - Shelf stable, produce, refrigerated and frozen. Not all food banks do that.
I picked up:
10 Smart Balance Milks $1.99/each
10 Ronzoni Pasta Boxes .39/each
3 Honest Tea/Ade Bottles $1.00/each
3 Zone Perfect Nutritional Bars $1.00/each
3 6 Packs of Flavored Bottled Water $2.00/each
1 Corn Flakes Box .49/each
I had 10 $1.50/1 Smart Balance Milk coupons, which made the milks only .49!
The Ronzoni I paid the sale price for, so $3.90 for 10 boxes!
I had 3 .50/1 Honest Tea/Ade coupons that went up to $1 (My Fry's makes all coupons worth $1)
I had 3 .25/1 Zone Perfect coupons that went up to $1 (My Fry's makes all coupons worth $1)
I had 2 .55/1 Flavored Bottled Water coupons that went up to $1 (My Fry's makes all coupons worth $1)
The Corn Flakes were on clearance for .49.
I also threw in a bottle of water for me :)
In total with tax, I paid: $13.41
And, I saved: $76.40 or 85%!
I really hope that this post inspires you to see what you can do to give back to your community. It didn't take much effort on my part to locate these coupons and plan out my trip. It did, however, help make someone else's day better. This can be done on a smaller scale, such as only getting the free Zone Perfect bars or the free Honest Tea/Ade. Or, this could have been done on a much larger scale, depending on one's financial status. Whatever you do, someone is going to be very thankful for it and that's one step further that we need to better our communities and help our people.
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