Sunday, July 8, 2012

Frugal living means smarter spending...

How do you feel about this statement?

I personally love this statement, and try to live by it.

To me, frugal living does not necessarily mean that we have to go without all the time and can not splurge on anything.  We budget, pay things off, set goals, use coupons, reuse things, and always try to make our money go further.

Do we splurge?  Sometimes.  And, that is okay.  We monitor where our money is going, and are constantly trying to find better ways to save and better ways to frugally "spend our money".

Frugal living does not have to feel like a burden.  I love feeling in control of my finances and knowing where every penny is going.  It is by being smart about where the money is going that we are able to have those small splurges.  We also do not worry as much as we used to.

Frugal living means smarter spending.

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